Today, the MGEU unveils a new media campaign to help fight back against the provincial government’s ongoing cuts to health care.

Some of the cuts have included closing ERs and Quick Care Clinics, eliminating programs, increasing service user fees, and laying-off workers.

“It all adds up to the biggest attack on health care Manitobans have seen in decades. Everywhere I go, I hear from people who are worried about what this government is doing to our health care, all in the name of saving money,” said MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky.

In response to the cuts, the MGEU has organized events, like the Care Comes First rally on September 13 and will begin a major media campaign this week, starting with the launch of

There, you can:

  • Send the Premier a message;
  • Share the Care Comes First message on social media with images showing the MGEU health care workers behind your care; and
  • Add your name to the campaign to stay up-to-date on developments.

The campaign includes billboard and transit ads and will continue to expand in the coming weeks with TV and online ads showing the many ways MGEU health care workers are vital to our care, while reminding Manitobans that cuts threaten the quality of that care.

“It’s time to fight back,” says Gawronsky. “If we don’t, we risk losing these important services forever.”

Visit to join the fight for our health care.