Two new polls released this week show a majority of Manitobans are not happy with the Pallister government’s sweeping changes to health care.

A recent Probe Research poll commissioned by the MGEU reveals that a strong majority of Manitoba adults (71%) feel the government’s health care reforms are going too far, too quickly. The web-based survey, carried out earlier this month, also asked Manitobans if the government should release the KPMG report recommending the cuts — and an overwhelming majority of Manitobans (86%) said they should. Only 8% said it wasn’t important to make the report public.

Meanwhile, another Probe Research poll, this one commissioned by the Winnipeg Free Press, found that six out of ten Manitobans believe the Pallister government’s dramatic changes to health care are motivated by saving money, not improving health care in Manitoba.

“I’m not surprised at all by these results,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “Manitobans are worried about what this government is doing to our health care system, all in the name of saving money, not improving patient care.”

She said she hoped such poll results act as a wake-up call for the government. 

“It’s time they start living up to their election commitment to protect and invest in public services and the people who provide them.”