June 4-10 is Manitoba Access Awareness Week (MAAW) – celebrated annually to raise awareness of the barriers people with disabilities face and to promote the removal of these barriers.

This year the MGEU recognizes MAAW with a significant announcement that will help further the union’s commitment to accessibility: The MGEU is teaming up with the Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD) to conduct a customer service accessibility review of all eight MGEU offices across the province.

The MLPD review will identify any potential barriers to access and provide the union with an accessibility plan that meets or exceeds the requirements of the Accessibility of Manitobans Act (AMA).

“As a union, we have to do everything we can to ensure the MGEU is accessible to our members, staff, and the public. It’s not enough to simply meet the standards. We have to find ways to exceed them,” says MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “That’s why we partnered with an experienced organization like the Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities and I look forward to seeing the results.”