Cuts to services and programs add up quickly, causing permanent damage to the public services we count on every day. 

That’s why the MGEU is launching a new ad today, called Falling Through the Cracks, reminding Manitobans that when the government starts cutting services, you’ll feel it.

The ad – the latest from the MGEU’s Keep Us Together campaign – will run on TV and online throughout the province over the next three weeks, and in theatres over the summer.

“Manitobans count on provincially-funded services in so many ways. Too often, we take them for granted,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “It’s not until funding is frozen, or cut, or services are privatized, that Manitobans really begin to notice the supports that keep our province going and growing. That’s when things like our health care, or family supports, or drinking water, begin to suffer.”

Gawronsky said the ad was designed to get people talking and mobilized.

“We know maintaining and improving our public services is a top priority for Manitobans. It’s time to send a clear message to the Pallister government: Manitobans elected you to protect the front-line services we rely on. Keep your promise."

Update: In compliance with the rules regarding the Point Douglas byelection that was called Friday, May 12, the ad is off the air until June 14th. The ad and will return next month.