The bankers, brokers and all of the other so-called “financial experts” cut the average person out of everything. It’s time to cut ourselves in. IT’S TIME TO CUT OURSELVES A SLICE.

The MGEU and its National Union (NUPGE) Affiliates have organized a campaign to provide the average Canadian with a voice during these tough economic times. NUPGE has launched to allow you to sound off on the current economic crisis and talk to other Canadians about its effect on you. The MGEU and NUPGE are also organizing two town hall meetings in our province.

Brandon Town Hall Meeting
Monday, June 8, 2009 
Brandon City Hall (front foyer)  
410-9th Street  
5 pm – 7 pm  
Light refreshments will be served.  
Winnipeg Town Hall Meeting
Tuesday, June 9, 2009   
Masonic Memorial Temple  
420 Corydon Avenue  
5 pm – 7 pm  
Light refreshments will be served.

Get Involved, Make Your Voice Heard!

A People's Response brings ordinary Canadians into the discussion about the current economic crisis and the future of our country. It's a way for busy but concerned Canadians to make their voices heard in a discussion that has so far been dominated by political pundits, corporate executives and biased media - the very same people who got us into this mess in the first place.

A People's Response is a way for ordinary Canadians like you to mobilize and ensure our governments put your priorities first when it comes to their economic recovery plans. For too long banks and corporations have only left us the crumbs - it's time we get our share - time that we get a slice of the economic benefits.
So get involved and make your voice heard! Visit to learn more.