pallister quote

The MGEU is ramping up the Keep Us Together campaign, with new radio and online ads aimed at urging the Premier to keep his election commitment to protect the public services that Manitobans count on. 

“During the last provincial election, the Conservatives vowed to protect public services and the workers who deliver them,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “Now, we are hearing a different story from the Premier.”

In recent months, the Premier and his government have announced cuts to health care services, including the closure of a Quick Care Clinic and cancelation of urgently needed personal care home beds. The Premier has also threatened legislation to impose cuts on public sector workers. 

“There is a growing gap between what Premier Pallister promised to do, and what his government is actually doing,” Gawronsky said. “Manitobans expect the government to balance the budget in a way that respects its commitment to protect public services.

According to a Viewpoints Research survey conducted in May 2016, Manitobans remain strongly opposed to cutting the public services they rely on every day. When asked to consider a variety of strategies to reduce the deficit, 74% opposed cutting public services. And protecting public services was the most commonly chosen priority for the upcoming budget.*

“With the provincial budget coming this spring, now is the time to hold the government to their promises,” Gawronsky said. “We need to let this government know that Manitobans expect them to honour their commitments regarding public services and jobs.”

To listen to the radio ad “The New Brian” and share the campaign message on social media, visit

*According to a May 2016 Viewpoints survey, Manitobans top priorities for the upcoming budget were as follows:
44% Protect health care, roads, justice and other public services
28% Stimulate the economy and help create jobs
13%Reduce taxes
11% Balance the provincial budget, even if it means cutting services and laying off workers