In a generous show of support for the striking workers in Nelson House, the Thompson Labour Committee donated $300 to members of Nisichawayasihk Personal Care Home – Local 367 last night.

“We know how tough it is as days turn to weeks on the line, especially at this time of year,” said Wayne Levac, President of the Thompson Labour Committee. “These workers are on the job day and night, on the front line of healthcare in their community, and our affiliates want to do whatever we can to support their fight for fairness.”

Today, the money will be used to warm the bellies of those on the line, treating them to a feast over the lunch hour. 

Levac encouraged members of their Thompson affiliates to join the striking workers on the picket line in Nelson House if at all possible. Strike lines are active from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm, seven days a week. 

“Knowing their Northern neighbours are behind them in this fight means a lot, said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “Health care providers throughout this region who do the same jobs should be paid the same wages no matter where they live and work.” 

The MGEU is also organizing a Brighten the Holidays fundraiser for the families of striking workers and a Stay Warm Out There collection of thermal socks and mitts.  Donations can be dropped off at the Steel Centre in Thompson (attention: Laura Nelson) before Thursday, December 15, 2016. All funds raised will be used to purchase gift cards members can use in Thompson to Christmas shop for their families.

For those who want to donate from Southern parts of the province, socks, mitts and monetary donations can be dropped off at the MGEU office in your community.

For more information, please contact the MGEU Resource Centre at 204-982-6438 or 1-866-982-6438 outside Winnipeg.