The Manitoba Government is asking for input from health care workers and the public about what improvements can be made to the province’s health care system.

Manitobans place great value on their public health care. In fact, in an MGEU poll conducted this past May, 81% of respondents said they wanted health care to remain public, not privatized.
Each and every day MGEU members go to work, providing valuable public health care services to families across the province. They know what is working, where improvements can be made, and the importance of maintaining quality public health care in our province. It’s essential that these opinions be shared in this review.

Whether you work in health care or are simply a member of the public, please take a few moments to complete this government survey about health care. Share your experiences and tell the government how they need to keep investing in our quality public health care system. It’s quick, easy and confidential.

The deadline to participate is Wednesday, December 14, 2016.

Once the survey has been completed, the information will be used as part of the government's Health Sustainability and Innovation Review currently underway. An initial report is expected by the end of January 2017, with a final report published in the spring of 2017.