MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky is looking for clarification following comments made yesterday by Premier Brian Pallister in which he mused about opening up existing collective agreements.   

“Everything I’m hearing about threats to public sector workers and reopening already signed contracts comes from what we are hearing in the media,” said Gawronsky.  “Reopening contracts or imposing settlements wouldn’t be fair and would likely be ruled unconstitutional.”

Gawronsky and the Premier met on November 1, 2016, and the MGEU has received no communication from him since then.

“The Premier’s comments should be of concern to all Manitobans,” said Gawronsky. “He is playing fast and loose with the Charter rights of all working people in Manitoba. And you don’t protect and improve public services by disrespecting and threatening the people who deliver those services.”

Gawronsky also pointed to the growing gap between what the Premier and his government ran on before being elected to office.

“Manitobans didn’t vote for cuts and austerity, that’s not what the Premier campaigned on. Manitobans voted for a party that made a clear commitment to protect and improve public services, and to respect the workers who deliver those services,” she added.

Fast Facts on Wages

  • The cost of living (Consumer Price Index) has increased in Manitoba by 19% over the past decade. (Source: Statistics Canada)
  • Provincial government wages have increased by 19% over the past decade. (Source: Government Employees Master Agreement)
  • Average weekly earnings in Manitoba have increased by 32% over the past decade. (Source: Statistics Canada)