A joint press release issued late this afternoon from the University of Manitoba (U of M) and University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) suggests that the Provincial Government is moving in a concerning direction when it comes to collective bargaining. 

The joint statement says that, “Public bodies, including the University of Manitoba, are being asked to extend existing contracts for an additional year at zero per cent in order to stabilize public sector compensation levels.”

In effect, it appears they are imposing a unilateral wage freeze on the public sector in Manitoba.

“The government has not told us anything about a unilateral wage freeze.  Just yesterday, the Premier said in the legislature.  ‘I have tremendous respect for collective bargaining.’  And all summer he told our members that he would not be interfering in the bargaining process,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky.

President Gawronsky is now calling on the Premier for an emergency meeting. 

“I have sent a meeting request over to the premier, because we need to hear from the government directly on this issue,” Gawronsky added.  “We need assurance from the province that bargaining will be fair and not dictated before it even begins.”