Established in 1974, Manitoba’s home care system is the oldest comprehensive, province-wide, universal service in Canada. Yet, as Manitobans will remember from the failed experiment to contract out home care in 1997 – and as Ontarians know from private care outsourcing several years ago – the threat to privatize this vital public service still remains.

That is why the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is hosting a special presentation and discussion about what’s at risk for Manitobans by privatizing these vital health care services.

Leading researchers Drs Pat and Hugh Armstrong will share research on the risks of privatization in health care and present alternatives.  All are welcome to attend this free public event. Please call 204-927-3200 or email to RSVP by October 21. 

What: Presentation and discussion about privatization of long term care & home care

When: Tuesday October 25 (Doors open at 6:30, event: 7 – 8:30 pm)

Where: Hotel Fort Garry Provencher room

About the Presenters

Dr. Pat Armstrong is the Principal investigator of a major SSHRC-funded project on “Re-imagining Long-term Residential Care: An International Study of Promising Practices” and Professor of Sociology at York University.

Dr. Hugh Armstrong’s research interests include long-term care, the political economy of healthcare, unions and public policy. He is Professor Emeritus with the School of Social Work and the Institute of Political Economy at Carleton University.

Pat and Hugh Armstrong are the authors of Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care (2010) and Critical to Care: the Invisible Women in Health Services (2008) and About Canada: Health Care (2016), now it its second edition.