Starting today, the MGEU will begin airing an award-winning ad, both on television and online, in support of the union’s Keep Us Together campaign.

“We launched the Keep Us Together campaign late in the fall of 2015, with radio ads and an interactive website, and then a set of TV ads in early 2016,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “Right now, it’s so important that we remind Manitobans just how quickly they’ll notice if the provincial government breaks its commitment to protect the public services they count on every day."

Gawronsky said the public must hold the government accountable to the commitments they made that got them elected. “We’re hoping the ad is shared widely with friends and family over social media, keeps the conversation going, and encourages people to let the government know that cuts to public services are not the answer.”

The ad is slated to run for three weeks on television stations throughout the province, as well as a wide variety of online sites.

Visit for more ways you can help spread the message!

Read the President's blogpost: "You'll Notice Cuts to Public Services"

Watch the ad: