NUPGE challenges CMA president Dr. Robert Ouellet to stop misleading Canadians about private, for-profit health care.

The Canadian Health Coalition (CHC) is launching a national campaign to keep health care public. The first event takes place in New Brunswick on Wednesday.

The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), a prominent member of the CHC, is supporting the coalition's campaign and is challenging Dr. Robert Ouellet, the president of the Canadian Medical Association, to stop misleading Canadians about private, for-profit health care.

The campaign is being launched in Moncton. Mike Murphy, the health minister in New Brunswick, has been looking at ways to introduce privatized, for-profit health care in the province.

The campaign will take direct aim at the health minister, challenging him to keep the province's health care system public.

"We chose to launch our national campaign in New Brunswick because it is a province that is teetering on the brink of privatizing parts of its health care system," says Michael McBane, spokesperson for the campaign.

"The majority of Canadians — and New Brunswickers — want our public health care system improved, not turned into for-profit, privatized care where people pay more ... and get less. They want a health care system that is fair and equitable - a system that reflects our Canadian values."

On hand for the kick off — and to offer to meet with the health minister to discuss public, made-in-Canada solutions to improve health care — will be Toronto-based health policy analyst Dr. Michael Rachlis, a leading expert on the Canadian health care system.