Despite the unpredictable weather, more than a hundred MGEU members and supporters turned out for the Macdonald Youth Services Crisis Stabilization, Local 221 information picket earlier today at 491 Portage Ave.

Members of Local 221 provide specialized crisis response care for Manitoba’s most vulnerable young people. Yet they have been without a new contract for more than two years. The purpose of today’s picket was to bring some attention for the vital services these MGEU members provide every day.

“We are calling on the government to honour their financial commitment and do the right thing for these workers, vulnerable young people, and all Manitobans,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. "A big thank you to all of the affiliated unions who joined us for the picket today. Their support was fantastic."

If you were unable to join Local 221 members for the picket, please support them by taking a minute to send a message to government. - Ask them to do the right thing by honouring their financial commitment.