Hundreds of delegates, life members and special guests will be arriving in Ottawa this week to attend the National Union of Public and General Employees' (NUPGE) Convention. This national Convention marks a 40 year anniversary for NUPGE. 

Delegates to develop and map out a plan for next 3 years

Delegates will be debating resolutions that focus on major issues such as privatization, organizing and campaigning and public policies that affect workers every day. 

"This is our chance to review what we've accomplished as a union over the last 3 years," said James Clancy, NUPGE National President, "and set the agenda for the next 3 years."

Clancy not re-offering as National President

As Clancy announced in a message to NUPGE members, he will not be re-offering for the position of President. 

"I’m not leaving the labour movement. How could I? It has inspired and defined and guided my entire adult life. I could no more leave the movement than I could willingly stop my heart," Clancy wrote about his 26 years with NUPGE. "I want to tell you what a great privilege to lead as president for 26 years. I’ve loved every moment of it, even the difficult ones. I have loved speaking up about fairness — Let’s beat the boss! What a great feeling every morning."

"I'm always excited when our members come together to share their stories, reaffirm our core values of fairness and compassion and to marry them with the issues facing NUPGE members, all Canadians," wrote Clancy. 

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