Nightly news television now has a show that gives unions, workers and the middle-class a fair hearing.

The Ed Show began April 6 on MSNBC and is aired five nights a week from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. EST.

While there is no comparable show on Canadian television, the arrival of this new American show, which can be seen on cable across Canada, indicates broadcasters are beginning to give labour a voice on prime time TV.

The hour-long program is hosted by Ed Schultz, who has had a longstanding national radio show, heard by some three million listeners on more than 100 radio stations across the U.S.

In his television role, Schultz focuses on the same middle class issues he has hammered on for years on radio.

"I‘m going to be that guy who is going to be there for the working folk of America. I‘m a staunch supporter of unions, said Schultz as the new show was being launched."

To underline the purpose of The Ed Show, Schultz announced in the opening seconds of the first broadcast, "If you are in the middle class - if you are a wage earner - I'm your guy. Let's get that straight. I have a passion for building the middle class."