The 2016 SAFE Roads campaign, which publicly promotes respectful and safe driving practices, kicked off in Winnipeg and Brandon today.

MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky was on hand to share why the MGEU has been such a keen supporter of the campaign for several years.

“The MGEU represents hundreds of Manitobans who don’t go into an office every morning,” she said. “Their workplace is our public roads. Whether it’s keeping our winter highways clear of snow, or fixing a dangerous intersection, or travelling to provide aide in an emergency, MGEU members are out there, day and night, to make our travels ? and our lives, safer. And the reality is, these members jobs leave them vulnerable.”

Each year, stakeholder organizations such as Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation, the Construction Safety Association of Manitoba and the MGEU join forces to help publicly educate motorists about how to protect the safety of construction, utility, and emergency workers who work adjacent to Manitoba’s roadways.

“An open road can pose safety issues for anyone, especially when the road is your workplace and there are two thousand pound vehicles rushing past you a few feet away,” Gawronsky said. “This is why it’s so important that organizations like the MGEU keep investing in initiatives like Safe Roads.”

Research has shown that 84 percent of people who have seen or heard the campaign’s key message ? “This is my workplace, slow down” ? are more considerate and understanding of workers and their designated work zones.

“Our efforts are working, folks,” Gawronsky said. “Safe Roads reminds each of us as drivers, as we travel through our busy lives, that we must spot the hazard, assess the risk, and find a safer way, every day.”

She concluded by noting that her son, Josh, works on a highways crew.

“Every time I hear that message ? This is my workplace, slow down? it’s a head and heart thing for me. I think of how it’s just common sense to put safety first in designated work zones and then I see my granddaughter’s face when she looks at her dad.”