Manitoba’s Progressive Conservative government delivered their first throne speech this afternoon, repeating many of their election campaign promises and rounding out their legislative agenda for the coming months.

Some priorities that were outlined in the speech include:

· implementing a value-for-money review across government;

· reducing ambulance fees;

· establishing a wait times reduction task force;

· creating a plan for the construction of additional personal care home beds;

· introducing the protecting children act to facilitate collaboration and sharing of critical information;

· pursuing a mental health strategy including mental health and addictions services; and

· changing the process for union certification.

“We will continue to urge the government to invest in public services and the people who deliver those services,” said MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky, who was in attendance to hear the speech. “I’ve reached out and requested meetings with the government and look forward to working with them to ensure these vital services are there when Manitobans need them.”

Some of the priorities outlined by the government appear to be good news for MGEU members, particularly those who provide emergency services and those who work in the fields of mental health and addictions treatment/support.

However, Gawronsky says there are some key areas that the union will be paying close attention to in order to ensure quality public services are protected and the rights of all workers are respected.

“One of our main concerns we have going forward is the change to the union certification process. With all of the issues going on in Manitoba, I’m not sure how this is at the top of priority list. I don’t think this is a change that most Manitobans were asking to see.”