Law day group

Today the Law Courts building opened its doors to thousands of Manitobans for Law Day.

MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky, joined Legal Component representatives (Deb Jamerson, Legal Component Director and Jarrett Schmidt, Legal Local 26 President) at a display table to show Manitobans the valuable services thousands of MGEU members provide every day. 

Some of those members who work in the Law Courts building (including Sheriff’s Officers and Clerks of the Court) were on hand to give the public a glimpse into Manitoba’s court system. 

Elementary and senior high school students staged mock trials, Sherriff’s Officers displayed the vehicles used to transport inmates to court, K-9 drug detection dogs demonstrated their skills and MGEU members provided guided tours of the building.

Each April, the anniversary of Parliament’s passing of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is commemorated through the celebration of Law Day. The purpose of the Manitoba Law Day Open House is to educate the members of the public about the legal system.