Manitoba Legislative building golden boy

The Manitoba Government presented a Fiscal Update in the Legislature yesterday, which provides a high level look at the province’s finances and reintroduces several priorities announced in November’s Throne Speech.

“Like many Manitobans, I was looking for the government to signal their strong commitment to the public services we all depend on,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “In some ways that happened, but until we have a look at line items in a budget and actual investments in departments, infrastructure, and jobs it’s difficult to judge today’s update.”

Government workers, and workers who rely on government funding, have been clear that public services are stretched thin and that privatization and cuts are not the answer. The MGEU was pleased to see that no privatization efforts or contracting out of services were announced in the fiscal update. The government did announce the introduction of a new tax bracket for high income earners, which is something the MGEU, among other organizations, has been pushing for a number of years.

“We asked Manitobans in a recent poll if raising taxes on those who’ve done well in our economy is something they support, and the results showed it clearly is,” said Gawronsky. “Other provinces have been going this route and it is time that Manitoba followed suit, because we all know stable revenue sources are needed to pay for strong public services.”

The update includes an emphasis on investing in child care spaces and early learning and funding for education. There was also a nod to more funding for disability programs, and tourism and culture.

“We were hoping to see some stronger language around supporting seniors,” said Gawronsky. “Our members work in hospitals, personal care homes, and in home care. As a province, we really need to take the pressure off acute care facilities and invest in home care, community paramedicine, and more personal care home beds.”