After almost two years at the bargaining table, the MGEU Local 220 Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative four-year agreement.

This round of negotiations proved to be one of the most challenging for the Local in recent memory, with a significant number of concessions sought by the employer relating to hours of work and benefits.

With support from members and a strong strike mandate from the Local in January 2015, the Bargaining Committee was able to push the employer back from their concessionary demands to ensure current benefits were maintained.

“While not all of our priority proposals were accepted by the employer, our Local 220 Committee believes they’ve achieved a fair offer that addresses many of our member's concerns” says MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky.

Local 220 members were sent further details about the vote and the agreement in an e-mail today. This information will also be included in a ratification package that is to be mailed to members next week.

Any Local 220 member who has recently changed their address is encouraged to take a minute to update their contact information with the union.