On February 15, 2016, the MGEU will begin airing two ads, both on television and online, in support of the union’s Keep Us Together campaign.

“We launched the campaign late last fall, with radio ads and an interactive website,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “Right now, it’s so important that we remind Manitobans just how much we rely on each other to receive the kind of services we all want and deserve. Whether our members work directly with the public on the frontlines, or somewhere behind the scenes, it’s a team effort. Our members are already doing more with less and you can’t keep cutting parts of the system without weakening the whole thing."

Gawronsky said the ads are just another creative and memorable way to get the message out there. “We think this kind of advertising is a great way to get people talking and we’re hoping members will share them widely with friends and family over social media.”

The ads are slated to run for four weeks on television stations throughout the province, as well as a wide variety of online sites.

Visit keepustogether.ca for more ways you can help spread the message!