The Manitoba Government handed down its latest Budget yesterday, projecting a balance for the 10th straight year. The budget features investments in health care, education and training, in the rural economy, and in the province’s infrastructure.

“Above all, the budget does not leave Manitoba standing still,” said Manitoba Finance Minister Greg Selinger. “It makes investments in the knowledge and skills economy to keep our province moving forward to better enable us to emerge from this time of economic uncertainty stronger than ever before.”

Upon first blush, MGEU President Peter Olfert said he is pleased with several measures in Wednesday’s Budget, but more work needs to be done to determine what effect it will have on Manitoba Government employees and the agencies that rely on the government for funding.

“The devil is in the details when it comes to government budgeting,” Olfert said. “We’re going to work with our members now to determine what some of these measures will mean now and in the future in government departments and in the community.”

While Manitoba is not immune to the effects of the global economic downturn, the province is expected to weather the current crisis better than most other jurisdictions in Canada. The budget reflects that, Olfert said.

The MGEU has learned that some vacant positions will remain unfilled as a result of Wednesday’s announcements, and the general debt and pension contributions have been scaled down this year. The union will continue to examine the numbers in this year’s budget and take appropriate steps with its members in the days to come.

Among the announcements in Budget 2009 the Province will...

• Provide a 1.8 per cent increase in summary expenditures
• Manage within government so that one-third of departments will hold the line or see slight decreases as government does its part to modernize and adapt its operations while maintaining civil servant staff vacancies and overhead costs
• Provide for a $20 million debt payment this year
• Invest in post-secondary capital improvements at the University College of the North, Red River College, Brandon University, Assiniboine Community College, University of Winnipeg and University of Manitoba.
• Proceed with health capital construction projects including the Westman Regional Laboratory in Brandon; hemodialysis services in Russell, Gimli and Winnipeg; the cardiac science facility at St. Boniface Hospital; redeveloping the emergency department at Victoria General Hospital; and constructing a new Aboriginal Personal-care home in Winnipeg.
• Make it easier for caregivers of people with disabilities to access the Primary Caregiver Tax Credit.
• Expand training for nurses at the University of Manitoba, Brandon University and the University College of the North.
• Introduce additional training seats for apprenticeship training.
• Provide funding to hire more emergency room staff and add new ambulances to the provincial fleet.
• Eliminate entrance fees at provincial parks for the next two years to support recreation opportunities closer to home.
• Provide funding for a range of housing options for individuals with mental-health issues.
• Fund additional child-care spaces.
• Increase wages for child-care centre staff by three per cent effective July1.
• Provide $4 million in new funding for emergency services delivered by the City of Winnipeg.
• Increase funding to the Main Street Project.
• Provide Manitoba municipalities and communities with $84 million, an increase of $4 million over last year, for roads, transit, public safety and other municipal infrastructure and service priorities.
• Begin construction of the women’s correctional facility.
• Develop a new provincial campground.
• Upgrade existing parks and campground infrastructure.
• Invest in the growth and development of conservation districts.