The MGEU Women’s Committee has organized a Women in Politics tour at the Manitoba Legislative Building for interested MGEU members on Thursday, January 28th at noon. This one-hour tour is open to the first 40 MGEU members who email

The tour, put on by the Manitoba Legislative Assembly, is in recognition of the 100th anniversary of voting and political milestones for women in Manitoba, and is part of a larger initiative to celebrate women’s equality and notable female firsts in Manitoba.

Details of the tour meeting place and time will be forwarded to the first 40 members who email with their full name, a contact phone number, and any concerns regarding accessibility of the Manitoba Legislative Building.

Please note that this is a voluntary tour and time-off, wage-recovery, mileage, etc. won’t be provided.

Join us as we mark this first step on the journey of women’s right to political participation in Manitoba.