Today, Premier Greg Selinger announced that as of January 1, 2016, the Workers Compensation Board will recognize post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a work-related occupational disease.

“Today is the culmination of many months of discussion and debate, and I’m proud to say the MGEU played a major role,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky, who spoke at the event.

The Board will now presume a workers’ condition was caused by the job, making it much easier to access supports, treatment and compensation for PTSD. The amendments would extend coverage and benefits to all workers eligible under WCB who are diagnosed with PTSD by a medical professional. This would ensure timely access to compensation and support services, with the long-term goal of reducing the stigma attached to mental illness.

“As Manitoba’s largest union, we represent a broad cross-section of members who do all kinds of different jobs,” said Gawronsky. “So this legislation doesn’t recognize the uniform we wear to work, but instead emphasizes uniformity in that it applies to all workers. That is what makes this legislation so special and important. Regardless of what we do or where we work, when things happen on the job that affect our mental health, there will tools and supports in place to help us get better.”

The proposed changes were inspired by the work of several key labour groups, including the MGEU, who were instrumental during the consultation process and essential in how the legislation was conceived and drafted. All involved led the charge with public campaigns, recognizing the affects workplace trauma can have on their members.

“Today, I also want to recognize some of the families, the wives and husband and parents and children who have been a foundation of support as hundreds of workers dealt with these challenges,” Gawronsky added. “Let’s not forget the role they have played over the years helping workers deal with their invisible wounds.”

Replay: Michelle Gawronsky on PTSD legislation - CTV News Network

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