This summer the MGEU turned up the heat on the Provincial Government to get a fair deal for thousands of MGEU members who have been without a contract for more than a year – and, in some cases, more than two years.

“MGEU members have been very frustrated by the government’s ongoing foot-dragging in negotiations. It’s been an issue at our largest table [Civil Service] as well as at many other bargaining tables,” says MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky. “Members are tired of it. They want to see some action; they want to see a fair and reasonable offer."

In response, the MGEU developed an online petition this summer, collecting 5,787 signatures in support. This week, Gawronsky and MGEU 1St Vice-President Wayne Chacun delivered those petition signatures to
Greg Dewar, Minister of Finance, and Kerri Irvin-Ross, Minister responsible for the Civil Service (both pictured above), as well as Erna Braun, Minister of Labour and Immigration, and Drew Caldwell, Minister of Municipal Government.

“The government has said they’re willing to return to the Civil Service bargaining table. But returning to the table, and returning to the table with a fair and reasonable offer, are two very different things and it's our job to make sure that message is sent loud and clear.”