Each year, the MGEU’s national union affiliate, the National Union of Public and General Employees, awards four post-secondary scholarships to the children, grandchildren, or foster children of affiliate members.

This year, Sara Wang, daughter of MGEU member Yanfei Chen, won the $1,500 Tommy Douglas Scholarship, which is awarded to the best 750 – 1,000 essay on how Tommy Douglas contributed to making Canada a more just and equitable society.

“We’re proud of Sara, and congratulate her for a job well done,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “The NUPGE scholarships are a great opportunity for young students to offset the costs of their post-secondary education.”

In her essay, Sara reflected on Tommy Douglas’ life, noting that:

Tommy Douglas grew up in a Canada without universal health care, strong worker protection or (a) social safety net. By the end of his career, they were all healthy realities. His colossal contributions still impact every single Canadian citizen today so much that it is impossible to imagine Canada without Medicare, nation-wide pension plans or labour rights.

Applications for the 2016 National Union Scholarships will be available after October 18, 2015.

Seethe full list of 2015 NUPGE Scholarship Recipients

Check out MGEUScholarships and Bursaries