On Sunday, September 27, dozens of Manitoba’s Sherriff’s Officers, Correctional Officers and Natural Resource Officers gathered at the provincial legislature to honour Canadian peace officers who have fallen in the line of duty, including one of their own, Manitoba Correctional Officer Rhonda Commodore.

“This is always such an important occasion for our peace officers who put themselves on the line day-in and day-out,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky, “but it’s especially poignant this year because we lost one of our sisters.”

On November 6, 2015, Rhonda Commodore died in a highway accident while on duty with The Pas Correctional Centre. Her passing left The Pas, as well as the Manitoba Corrections community, grief-stricken.

Manitoba Corrections sent six honour guards, and the MGEU sent The Pas Corrections Executive, along with the Corrections Component Director and two activists, to participate in a similar, nation-wide memorial in Ottawa.

“Rhonda was a hardworking, well-respected Correctional Officer who left a small son behind,” Gawronsky said. “It’s only fitting that so many of her fellow officers are honouring her sacrifice today, both here at home and in the national capital.”