Over the lunch hour today, members of WRHA Health Sciences Security (Local 249) and supporters held an information picket outside the hospital to bring attention to dangerous working conditions and high staff turnover.

A couple hundred picketers carried signs with slogans such as
How MUCH is your SAFETY WORTH? and HIGH CRIME area – HIGH RISK jobs. They also handed out leaflets asking supporters to tell the WRHA that they need to invest more in HSC Security to ensure the safety of HSC staff, visitors and patients.

“Night and day, Health Sciences Centre Security helps maintain a safe and secure environment at HSC,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “But these members are not like any other hospital security team in Manitoba. Given the size of the facility, and its location, security at HSC is a uniquely demanding, often dangerous, job. That’s why some officers are leaving for safer work – and finding qualified, experienced people to take their place is becoming increasingly difficult. “

Last year, HSC Security members dealt with 5,500 incidents, including physical and sexual assaults, suicide attempts, threats, vandalism and arson.

“This Local has been without a contract for three years,” Gawronsky said. “Our members take their job very seriously and they’re seriously concerned about the number of experienced officers leaving for better paying or less dangerous work.”

The Local’s Bargaining Committee has repeatedly made the argument in negotiations that a fair wage increase which takes into account the unique challenges and requirements of HSC Security would be a good first step in addressing the retention issues and associated safety risks.

“We feel Winnipeggers deserve to know what’s going on at the city’s biggest hospital.” Gawronsky added. “This is a case where ensuring a safe and secure environment for people is worth the investment.”

Couldn’t attend the information picket? You can still help!
Send a message to ClientRelations@wrha.mb.ca and tell them you support the HSC Security Local’s efforts to keep experienced officers on the job. Invest more in HSC Security now!