HSC Security Officers

MGEU Local 249 (WRHA HSC Security) is gearing up for a public information picket at the Health Sciences Centre on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 (11:30 am – 1 pm).

Every day Health Sciences Centre Security helps maintain a safe and secure environment for HSC visitors and employees. But it’s a demanding, sometimes dangerous, job. That’s why some officers are leaving for safer work – and finding qualified, experienced people to take their place has been a challenge.

The goal of the information picket is to draw attention to the significant problems in attracting and keeping qualified, experienced security officers in such a challenging work environment. The WRHA needs to invest more in HSC Security in order to maintain the service and keep people safe.

All MGEU members are invited to attend the information picket and show their support. For those who can’t make it, organizers are asking for their help by sharing this story on social media and by asking friends, family, or anyone else, to attend in support.