After more than a year since their amalgamation – and after working through conciliation and taking a strike vote – MGEU Locals 425 and 426 (Liquor Gaming Authority) have ratified a new four-year agreement. 

Bargaining started in September 2014, and with a few dates scheduled into the end of April, there was some movement on non-monetary issues like working conditions and contract language. However, by this time, the Bargaining Committee recognized that benefits and hours of work would be especially contentious issues. The Bargaining Committee eventually reached an impasse at the table in late May. 

On June 9, 2015, members of the Locals voted overwhelmingly in favour of possible strike action in the ongoing negotiation toward a new contract. The employer then contacted the MGEU and requested a resumption of bargaining. After a few days of meetings in late June, the employer advised that they felt it would be in the best interest of both parties to apply for conciliation and the LGA Bargaining Committee agreed.

As a result, negotiations resumed with a Conciliation Officer at the table on July 7, 2015. Strike action for the Locals, to start the week of August 10, was looking like a strong possibility until a tentative agreement was reached August 6, 2015.

The new agreement includes a 2% wage increase in each of the four years, with full retroactive pay, as well as an increase in shift premiums, including improvements to how the premiums are applied.

All LGA employees will be covered by the Civil Service benefits plans, including LTD and Life Insurance, and there is a ‘No Layoff’ clause in effect during the dates of the agreement which covers March 22, 2014 to March 30, 2018.

As all LGA members (including current Auxiliary Inspectors) are bound by the agreement to sign an MGEU membership card, Local 425 and 426 members are strongly encouraged to update their contact information with the union to ensure they receive all important documents, including a copy of the new collective agreement once it is available.