About 80 members of MGEU Local 249 – WRHA Health Sciences Centre Security – have been without a new contract for three years, but the employers’ latest offer didn’t go far enough in addressing severe retention problems. Tonight, a significant majority of members voted down the offer.

In March 2015, Local representatives presented a strong case for a wage adjustment for HSC Security Officers to the Labour Relations Secretariat. But those efforts fell on deaf ears as no special adjustment was provided. The employer put forward an offer to the Local 249 Bargaining Committee earlier this month, but it did little to address the growing wage gap between HSC security and other security services in the Province.

The Bargaining Committee brought the offer to members with a recommendation to reject, and they responded with a resounding “no” vote.

Aside from the wage gap, HSC Security Officers are experiencing ever-increasing violence in their jobs, while responsibilities required to complete their daily duties continue to climb. Compared with security teams in other Manitoba hospitals, the HSC Security team continues to work in one of the most challenging environments as they work to keep over 7,000 employees and 13,000 visitors every day safe at Manitoba’s largest hospital.

The next step for the Local 249 Bargaining Committee is to request the employer return to the bargaining table in order to negotiate a fair deal.