MGEU Public Service Events 2015

Two more stops next week on the MGEU's Let's Talk Public Services Tour!

Now, more than ever, it’s important we recognize the hard-work and contributions of those who deliver our public services. National Public Services Week (June 14-20, 2015) is our chance to do just that.

And that’s why, as part of the Let’s Talk Public Services events the MGEU has hosted throughout the province in June, the union celebrated National Public Services Week with three come-and-go lunch and coffee break events.

The MGEU also sponsored the Manitoba Service Excellence Awards, held today in Winnipeg. This year, 304 people were nominated for Service Excellence Awards, which recognize distinction in public and community service efforts fostering excellence in meeting public needs and improved services for Manitobans. Nominations for awards nearly doubled from last year and hundreds of MGEU members were in attendance, including President Michelle Gawronsky.

“I can’t stress enough how important it is to recognize the vital services our members provide. We’ve [the MGEU) always celebrated National Public Service Week, but I don’t think we’ve ever done it quite like this with a provincial tour. It’s been fantastic,” said Gawronsky.

The union continued its month-long celebration of public services this week by treating hundreds of members in Winnipeg to a barbequed lunch at Memorial Park on June 17. Members in Portage (June 16) and Selkirk (June 18) also took their break with the MGEU, joining union representatives to chat about the services they deliver, while enjoying a free lunch and coffee break refreshments at the union’s regional offices. Earlier in June, the union hosted events in Steinbach, The Pas, Dauphin and Brandon.

“We’ve visited with hundreds of members throughout the province. We’ve talked about the challenges they’re facing right now. What’s working, what isn’t, and how we can all work together to find solutions,” said Gawronsky. “I want to send a big thank you to all of the volunteers and staff who have worked so hard to make these events happen and I’m looking forward to seeing all of our members in Thompson next week for our final stop on the tour. Happy National Public Services week to everyone!”

The last two Let’s Talk Public Services events will be held in Thompson at the Provincial Building, 59 Elizabeth Dr. (9am- 11am), and the Hospital Admin Building, 871 Thompson Dr. (2:30pm - 5pm).