This afternoon Manitoba’s Minister of Finance, Greg Dewar, tabled the 2015-16 Provincial Budget, which follows the path laid out in previous fiscal plans.

The government says they will continue to invest in growing the economy and protecting public services and there were several items in the budget important to MGEU members.

Here are some of the areas where the Province is investing:

  • $1.08 billion will be spent on roads, bridges and flood protection structures as the five-year $5.5-billion infrastructure plan continues.
  • The Health Department will see an increase of 3.2 per cent.
  • Family Services will see an increase in their budget of 2.7 per cent (about $30 million).
  • The Education department budget will increase 2.1 per cent.
  • The Province will place more focus on Colleges to provide skills training.
  • The Province has made a commitment to hire additional home care staff and increase capacity in the long-term care system.

Unfortunately, Budget 2015-16 also failed to provide some much-needed investments in a number of other key areas:

  • Six departments will see their budgets frozen or cut (Aboriginal and Northern Affairs, Agriculture, Conservation and Water Stewardship, Finance, Labour and Immigration and Mineral Resources).
  • The government has reached their target of eliminating 600 civil service jobs.
  • The Province has made no commitment to improve rural EMS.

“While I’m pleased overall to see the government appears to be committed to protecting public services, I’m concerned about how they’re going to do that by cutting or freezing budgets in most departments, including those responsible for protecting drinking water, maintaining workplace safety and health and preserving our provincial parks,” says MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “Our members continue to tell us that they must do more with less to deliver important public services. They are concerned about things like rural emergency room closures, funding for personal care home beds and the growing challenges in areas like community-based social services. This budget doesn’t address all of those concerns.”

The MGEU leadership will continue to look at the details in the budget and emphasize members' priorities with government representatives to ensure services to Manitobans are protected.

Related articles:

Manitobans' Top Budget Priority is Protecting Services: Poll
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