Many paramedics have inquired about the status of the Paramedics Association of Manitoba’s application for self-regulation, and what the timeframe might be to get a final answer from the government.

The government has received the recommendations of the Health Professions Advisory Council (HPAC) regarding the self-regulation of paramedics. At a recent meeting between MGEU and Health Minister Sharon Blady, it was confirmed that the Minister would be releasing details of the government’s plans as they pertain to self-regulation within the very near future. This has been a long process, and paramedics have had many questions about why it has taken so long.

According to the Minister, the long process is due to this being the first application to be decided under the new legislation and the complexity of the issues at stake. There were also members added to the HPAC council that required time to be brought up to speed on the intricacies of the issue.

You may have also seen it reported that the future of paramedicine was a pivotal issue in the recently held NDP leadership campaign. We have been hearing some concerns from paramedics that commitments may have been made regarding self-regulation of the profession. Our President, Michelle Gawronsky, has written to Premier Selinger   asking him whether or not the government is committed to self-regulation.

“The government needs to be up-front about whether or not it will act to fix emergency medical services in Manitoba,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “We are asking for a commitment now because patients and paramedics deserve answers, because the government already has received recommendations on how to move forward, and because reports from the recent campaign have raised questions about the government’s intentions.”

Like you, MGEU is committed to self-regulation and believe PAM has more than made the case that self-regulation can and should be a reality in Manitoba.