The Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL) is now accepting applications for three awards that will be presented during their convention in Brandon from May 28-31, 2015.

The 2015 Youth Achievement Award is presented to a union member (affiliated with the MFL) who is under 35 and has been active in the Labour movement and has reached out to young workers. Nominations can be sent care of the Executive Director, Manitoba Federation of Labour.

The MFL Occupational Centre is also presenting the Dick Martin Award to a member who has been involved in occupational health issues for at least one year and has “demonstrated to others the principles, ideals and goals of the MFL.” Nominations can be sent to “Selection Committee Dick Martin Award” care of the MFL, 102-275 Broadway  or via email at

Lastly, the Judy Cook Woman of Achievement Award is sponsored by the MFL Women’s Committee and will go to a candidate who has demonstrated vision and a “pioneering spirit” in the advancement of women and the equality of women’s lives. Please submit nominations to the MFL at the address above or via email to

Nominations for all three of these awards are due by April 1, 2015.

For further information on any of these awards, please contact the MFL at (204) 947-1400 or online here.