On Wednesday, February 4, 2015, Health Care Support Services (HCSS) Bargaining reps met with the employer on behalf of the bargaining units that voted down the HCSS Central Table tentative agreement ? Prairie Mountain HCSS, Interlake Eastern HCSS, and Dr. Gendreau.

At this meeting, they discussed some of members' outstanding issues. In the end, the employer would not budge with regards to the two-year wage freeze mandated for all public sector workers in the province. They did, however, achieve a few improvements in other areas.

The employer presented these improvements to the bargaining reps, along with the original tentative agreement, as a final offer, which means the union must now take it out to the members of the Prairie Mountain HCSS, Interlake Eastern HCSS, and Dr. Gendreau Locals for a vote.

MGEU reps are currently preparing a detailed package outlining the employer’s offer and ratification vote meetings are being scheduled.