Last night MGEU Local 101 –Victoria Hospital Trades – members ratified a new four-year contract, covering 17 MGEU members working in the facility.

The wage increases over four years reflect the health care funding mandate of zero percent in the first two years of the agreement, followed by 2.5 percent increases in each of the next two years (5% total increase over the duration of the agreement).

Other negotiated highlights include market wage adjustments (effective October 1, 2014 and October 1, 2015) for certain classifications, a long service step of two percent for those with at least 20 years of service, as well as increases to the boot and meal allowances.

The Local 101 bargaining committee will now contact the employer to get the agreement finalized and signed before it’s printed and distributed to members. In the meantime, members of the Local are encouraged to update their contact information to ensure they receive a copy of the new contract once it is available.