Today hundreds of activists and union members joined in the conversation about income inequality at the Manitoba Legislature where the MGEU hosted Fairness Day.

The Fairness Express bus loomed large as CLC President Hassan Yussuff, MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky, MFL President Kevin Rebeck and community advocate Michael Redhead Champagne spoke about the growing income gap between the rich and poor in Canada.

The message was clear that public services including health care, safety regulations, emergency services, criminal justice and family supports are too important to trust to the private sector and must be publically funded if we want strong and equitable communities.

“Whether it’s continuing across the country in that attention-grabbing bus, or building on the MGEU’s own ElephantTalk campaign right here in Manitoba, we must keep this conversation going,” said MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky. “Talk to your friends, your in-laws, your neighbours, the guy who likes to have an opinion at the community club meeting.  People like you and me have the most to gain, or lose, from this debate.  Together, we have the power to make sure the values fairness and equity win the day.”

The Fairness Express continues its tour across Manitoba until August 11th and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.