Starting Thursday, June 26, MGEU members and staff will be hitting the road on the Fairness Express to talk about income inequality and tax fairness.

The big green bus tour will be stopping at dozens of Manitoba
communities from June 26 to August 11 to get people talking and have a little fun. As the bus rolls through our communities, it will bring a fun-filled, carnival atmosphere to events, festivals, parades, and farmers’ markets.

Watch this page to find out where the bus will be and get updates, photos, and stories
from the road as we join Manitobans for all the best summer has to offer in our beautiful province.

If you happen to see the Fairness Express as it rolls into your community, please stop, say hello and help spread the message to bring attention to this important issue

"Income inequality affects us all and it’s been growing in Canada for twenty years,” says MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky. “It is an issue of fairness. It’s also an economic and social issue because a shrinking middle-class impacts the average Canadian in so many ways. We want to talk about these things and the public services our members provide, services Manitoban's need. I know our members can’t wait to get into our communities and hear what people have to say.”