MGEU members at Red River College (RRC) recently participated in an independent, third-party survey, and the results demonstrate that a significant percentage of employees feel communications, financial and management practices, and resources for employees must improve at RRC.

When asked if they felt an outside auditor should be brought in to do a review of RRC’s financial and management practices, 69% of RRC employees said yes, 2% said not yet/maybe, 8% said they didn’t know, and 20% said no.

“The survey indicates that RRC members are concerned about the environment created by management,” said MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky. “These are serious issues and management at RRC need to address them in an open and transparent manner.”

Other findings revealed that…

- 61% of the respondents felt the relationship between employees and senior management has “worsened” or “worsened a lot” over the past three years

- 49 % felt  RRC  did a “very poor” or “poor” job of communicating with employees about plans and changes at RRC – compared to 29% who thought RRC management did a “good” or “excellent” job;

- 49% felt RRC management did a “very poor” or “poor” job of responding to employee recommendations for improvements;

- 46% felt RRC senior management did a “very poor” or “poor” job of managing financial affairs – compared to only 17% who felt they did a “good” or “excellent” job;

- 39% of respondents felt senior management does a “very poor” or “poor” job of providing strong direction to secure RRC’s future – compared to 13% who felt they did a “good” or “excellent”; and

- 41 % of respondents felt things at RRC were “on the wrong track”, while an almost equal amount felt the institution was moving in the “right direction” (39.6%).

The survey was conducted between April 28th and May 9, 2014.