clc kids camp

Registration is now closed. Check back in the spring of 2016 for next year's camp info.

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) 2015 Solidarity Kid’s Camp of Manitoba will be held August 23?28, at Camp Nutimik in the Whiteshell Provincial Park.

This week-long camp focuses on issues relevant to young people and is open to kids between the ages of 11-15, who are sons and daughters of union members.

The camp addresses challenges facing young people, including social justice and equality issues. The Solidarity Kid's Camp of Manitoba combines learning with cooperative activities and loads of guaranteed fun.

The MGEU is covering the camp fees for 10 children to attend the camp for free. The 10 MGEU-sponsored spots will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Only children of active, dues-paying MGEU members are eligible.

The deadline to register for camp is Sunday, June 1, 2015.

Send completed registrations to Laurie Bleeks at
601-275 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4M6

2015 CLC Kids Camp info and application (pdf) 

Registration is now closed. Check back in the spring of 2016 for next year's camp info.