Since July 2012, the MGEU has been involved in a large-scale market adjustment process for workers in select MGEU health care classifications.

Nine different classifications
with recruitment and retention issues were identified at the WRHA Community Programs (Local 220) and Technical/Professional Component bargaining tables and were referred to the wage adjustment process. The classifications represented by the MGEU included audiologists, case coordinators, dietitians, midwives, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, resource coordinators, social workers, and speech language therapists/pathologists.

How the adjustment process worked

The Committee – comprised of the Labour Relations Secretariat (LRS), representatives from several Manitoba regional health authorities (RHAs), the Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals, the United Food and Commercial Workers and the MGEU – was tasked with establishing an equitable process to distribute wage increases. The Committee established three criteria that would have to be met for a classification to receive a market adjustment:
1. recruitment challenges,
2. retention patterns, and
3. wage differentials.

With so many classifications represented, the presentation process took nine months to complete. When presentations finished in September 2013, the Committee reviewed the rationale for each classification in detail and agreed by consensus on which classifications should receive an increase based on the three criteria.

The outcome

Five MGEU classifications met the criteria and have been granted increases (retroactive to March 31, 2013). They include…
·Occupational Therapist,
·Social Worker, and
·Speech Language Therapist/Pathologist.

Affected members will be receiving further details by mail and e-mail, while the Committee continues to work out the details on when the increase will be distributed. MGEU representatives are advocating for that to happen as soon as possible.

Looking ahead to negotiations

MGEU representatives have also informed the LRS that while this process would not address other criteria to warrant increases for other classifications, MGEU bargaining committees will be making wages and other issues (such as workload and job stress) priorities in the next round of negotiations.