On Saturday, February 8, members of the MGEU Young Members Committee walked barefoot through the snow and braved frigid winter water in support of Special Olympics Manitoba.

Friends and family sponsored the brave souls, who jumped into an icy pool (or in this case, a large garbage bin fringed with icicles) outside the Indian and Métis Friendship Centre in Winnipeg.

In total, they raised a whopping $2,500, which will go directly to Special Olympics athletes throughout Manitoba.

“My heart raced just watching them splash into that water,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “I'm so proud to be here cheering on these young people on a day like today. If you want to know what this generation is capable of, just look at these members from around the province. They’re in their union because they want to have a say in their future, and they’re involved in their communities because they care and want to make a difference."