Five pre-budget consultation meetings will be taking place across the Province with Finance Minister Jennifer Howard.

Scheduled to begin February 10, 2014, the meetings are intended to give Manitobans – including those who work for the provincial government, its Crowns and agencies – the opportunity to have their voices heard as the Government prepares its 2014 Budget.

Today, MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky, 1st Vice President, Walter Fletcher, 2nd Vice President, Stephen Roznowsky, 3rd Vice President, Peter Roberts and 4th Vice President, Scott Cloney, met with Howard to outline member priorities and make recommendations for the upcoming budget. Here is the full report that was presented. 

 As always, the MGEU is encouraging its members to attend a meeting in their area and pose a question to the Finance Minister about the funding that impacts their workplaces and their jobs.

“As Manitobans and frontline service providers, we need to take the opportunity to tell those who make the funding decisions just what’s happening out there and make a case for where this government’s spending priorities need to be", says President Michelle Gawronsky. “It’s up to us to remind the government how spending cuts impact the day to day services Manitoba rely on. I hope many MGEU members will make their voices heard and attend one of these meetings.”

The Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting Schedule:

- Feb. 10 - Winnipeg telephone town hall from 6:45 to 8 p.m. and a rural Manitoba telephone town hall from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.  Register by calling the minister of finance at 204-945-3952 or online at

- Feb. 11 - Dauphin, 1 to 3 p.m., Dauphin Friendship Centre, 210 First Ave.  Register by calling 204-622-7630 or the minister of finance in Winnipeg at 204-945-3952.

-  Feb. 12 - Churchill, 10 a.m. to noon at the Town Complex, 180 La Verendrye Ave.  Register by calling 204-943-2274 or the minister of finance in Winnipeg at 204-945-3952.

-  Feb. 18 - Gimli, 7 to 9 p.m., Lakeview Resort, 10 Centre St.  Register by calling 204-642-4977 or the minister of finance in Winnipeg at 204-945-3952.

Those unable to attend a meeting can make a submission in writing to the minister by emailing or by mail at Budget Consultations, Room 103, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 0V8. 

The pre-budget online survey can be found on the Manitoba Finance website at: