Polar Plunge Winnipeg MGEU

You’d think after one of the coldest Decembers on record, the last thing any Manitoban would be prepared to do is jump into a tank filled with freezing water – but that’s exactly what the MGEU Young Members committee is getting ready to do.

The committee is taking part in the second annual Polar Plunge in support of Special Olympics Manitoba. Team MGEU will be taking the plunge on February 8th at the Indian Métis Friendship Centre in Winnipeg (45 Robinson St). 

Visit SOM’s donation page and select “MGEU” if you’d like to sponsor the team.

About the Polar Plunge

The Polar Plunge is a winter fundraiser that gives brave ‘plungers’ (of 15 years and older) an exciting and ‘chilly’ opportunity to raise both money and the profile for Special Olympics Manitoba. While many ‘plungers’ elect to take the leap in bathing suits, some adventurous ones take the plunge in various costumes.