A government bill to protect Manitoba highway construction workers that was being held up by a political squabble between the government and the official opposition is back on the legislative agenda.

Bill 2, the Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Safety of Workers in Highway Construction Zones) was in danger of not being passed in time for implementation prior to next year’s construction season, but a “gentleman’s agreement” between NDP House Leader Andrew Swan and Tory House Leader Kelvin Goertzen has allowed for the Bill to move forward.

The provincial government had wanted to move the Bill into second reading and committee (since it is not part of the sessional order, which is the deal between parties on what bills go to a vote before the end of day on Dec. 5), but required the consent of the opposition to do so. 

Bill 2 includes provisions for doubling of fines for drivers who speed through construction zones and has been stuck in first reading since it was introduced November 15.  It also gives police the ability to issue speeding tickets in construction zones where no workers are present, which hadn’t been the case up to now.