Paramedics in the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority (IERHA) were recently given an opportunity to have their say on several workplace issues in an RHA-sponsored survey. The results, which the MGEU has recently obtained, paint a disconcerting picture of diminished morale and questionable management practices.

“The results of the survey provide some pretty substantial evidence that there are major issues with how health care is being managed and how paramedics are being treated in these communities,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “This should be a wake-up call to the RHA management team that they need to make significant changes.”

Paramedics were asked to respond to each question by answering whether they strongly agree, agree, neither agree or disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree to each statement. Among the results of the survey:

  • 82% disagreed or strongly disagreed that management asks for paramedics’ opinions or ideas;
  • 70% disagreed or strongly disagreed that management fosters and promotes teamwork;
  • 74% disagreed or strongly disagreed management treats employees fairly and equitably;
  • 79% disagreed or strongly disagreed management explains changes in procedures and practices;
  • 70% disagreed or strongly disagreed they are provided with adequate orientation for additional responsibilities; and
  • 68% disagreed or strongly disagreed they have the opportunity to learn new skills in their job.

Gawronsky will be meeting with IERHA CEO John Stinson within the next few days to discuss the survey findings, and to talk about concrete steps to address these issues. The MGEU will then be updating EMS members about the outcome and what additional steps may be needed to ensure we see meaningful change.

“We need to see management and senior administrators in the RHA are as serious about fixing the problems as our members are about providing life saving service in their communities,” Gawronsky said.

View the full survey results