Human rights and bullying will be two of the topics up for discussion at the Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL) Women's Conference, taking place October 17-19, 2013 in Winnipeg.

The conference kicks off with a wine and cheese reception on the evening of October 17 under the theme "Women's Rights are Human Rights." Workshops will run during the days of October 18-19 with a closing plenary on the afternoon of October 19.

The MGEU will be sending a delegate from each Area to the conference along with each member of the MGEU Women’s Committee. Delegates must be elected at Area meetings. Contact your Area Director through the MGEU Resource Centre for more information.

When: October 17-19, 2013
Where: UFCW Training Centre 880 Portage Ave (at Arlington)
Workshop topics:
Cultural Comforts
Stress and Mental Health in the Workplace
Human Rights in the Workplace (Investigation & Accommodation)
Stop the Bullying