Update: On July 22nd, all three Party leaders in the Legislature received letters from MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky pressing them to pass the interim supply bill that would ensure civil servants are paid on time after the July 31st deadline.

There was some welcome movement on Bill-48 (interim supply) late yesterday afternoon. The bill has been introduced and is currently being debated. It is expected to pass in the next several days allowing money for wages and programs to flow.

Interim Supply Measure Bill Stalled - July 19, 2013

According to an article in today’s Winnipeg Free Press, NDP house leader, Jennifer Howard said on Thursday that stall tactics by the Opposition Progressive Conservatives are jeopardizing August paycheques for civil servants.

The MGEU is monitoring the situation closely and expects the Legislature to take the necessary steps to ensure that civil servants are fully compensated on time.

The budget is normally passed in mid-June on the last day the Legislature sits. However, it is still being held up before the House and no one knows exactly when the Legislature will recess.

In the meantime, the Opposition has said the government can introduce a bill allowing them to meet their financial commitments (referred to as an interim supply measure).

The Opposition must consent to the interim supply bill in order for the process to move forward, and although the government has tried introducing the bill, the Opposition has not yet given their consent.

MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky will be contacting all three Party leaders in the Legislature urging them to pass the interim supply bill, which will allow money to flow to employees after July 31st.